My Perl Template for New Projects

Starting a new Perl project can be a time-consuming process, especially when setting up the basic structure and including commonly used modules and functions. To streamline this process, I've developed a comprehensive Perl template that serves as an excellent starting point for various projects. In this post, I'll share my template and break down its components, explaining how each part contributes to a solid foundation for Perl development.

Full Template

The Shebang and Module Imports

Let's break this down:

  1. The shebang (#!/usr/bin/env perl) ensures the script runs with the correct Perl interpreter.

  2. strict and warnings are crucial pragmas that help catch common programming errors.

  3. utf8 and open qw(:std :utf8) enable proper UTF-8 handling for input/output.

  4. Term::ANSIColor allows for colorized terminal output.

  5. feature qw(say state) enables the say function (print with newline) and state variables.

  6. FindBin helps locate the directory where the script is running.

  7. Data::Dumper is invaluable for debugging complex data structures.

Configuring Data::Dumper

These settings customize Data::Dumper's output:

Main Data Structures

Here, we define two main data structures:

  1. $db: An empty hash reference, potentially for storing data (currently unused).

  2. $dt: A dispatch table that maps function names to their references. This allows for dynamic function calls.

Enabling Autoflush

This line enables autoflush, ensuring immediate output. It's particularly useful for interactive scripts or when you need real-time feedback.

Main Execution Block

This is where the main logic of your script goes. This template includes starter code that calls the sleepyTime function with an argument of 3 using the dispatch table.

Utility Functions


This function pauses execution for a random or fixed duration. It's useful for adding delays in scripts, perhaps to simulate human-like behavior or to prevent overwhelming a system with rapid requests.


typeWriter prints text with a typewriter effect, adding a small random delay between each character. This can be used for creating more engaging command-line interfaces.


strScan creates a string scanner object with various utility methods. This is a powerful tool for parsing and manipulating strings, offering methods to check position, find patterns, and more.

Using and Customizing the Template

To use this template for your projects:

  1. Save the template as a .pl file (e.g.,

  2. Copy this file when starting a new project.

  3. Modify the Init section to include your project-specific code.

  4. Add or remove modules as needed for your project.

  5. Customize the utility functions or add new ones to suit your project's requirements.

Remember to update the $dt dispatch table if you add new functions that you want to call dynamically.


This Perl template provides a robust foundation for new projects, offering a blend of essential pragmas, useful modules, and versatile utility functions. By using this template, you can:

Whether you're working on a quick script or a larger application, this template can help jumpstart your Perl development process, providing a flexible and feature-rich starting point for various projects.