While Data::Dumper
is commonly used for debugging, it's also a powerful tool for serializing and deserializing complex data structures. Here's how you can use it to create snapshots of your data, save them to files, and restore them later:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use ;
use ;
use 'say';
use :: ;
# Configure Data::Dumper
$Data:::: = 1; # Produce output that's valid as Perl code
$Data:::: = 1; # Turn on pretty-printing with a single-space indent
$Data:::: = 1; # Sort hash keys for consistent output
$Data:::: = 1; # Avoid outputting variable names (just the structure)
# Create a complex hash
my $complex_hash = {
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
=> {
=> 'apple',
=> 'banana',
=> [qw(cat dog bird)],
=> {
=> 'John Doe',
=> 30,
=> ['reading', 'cycling', { => 'advanced'}],
# Serialize and save to file
my $file = 'complex_hash.txt';
open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
print $fh ($complex_hash);
close $fh;
# Clear the original hash
undef $complex_hash;
# Restore the hash from file
my $restored_hash;
$restored_hash = do "./$file" or die "Cannot load ./$file: $@";
# Verify the restored hash
say "\nRestored hash:";
say ($restored_hash);
# Use the restored hash
say "A nested value: " . ($restored_hash->{nested}{b} // 'undef');
say "Third hobby: " . ($restored_hash->{data}{hobbies}[2]{chess} // 'undef');
Content of complex_hash.txt:
Restored hash:
'data' => {
'age' => 30,
'hobbies' => [
'chess' => 'advanced'
'name' => 'John Doe'
'nested' => {
'a' => 'apple',
'b' => 'banana',
'c' => [
'numbers' => [
A nested value: banana
Third hobby: advanced
This script demonstrates how to serialize a complex hash, save it to a file, and then restore it. The restored data can be used just like the original structure. This technique is useful for caching, creating configuration files, or saving application states.
While Data::Dumper
is great for quick serialization, consider more efficient methods like Storable or JSON for large datasets in production environments.